Do you need a 360° profile to enhance your project?
Let's chat! I'm currently looking for ethical ideas to dress up visually. 💌 hello @ leegloo . fr
🔎 Thanks to my different experiences, I am now a freelance graphic designer, creator of functional accessories and workshop leader.
🍔 I'm a lousy cook but I concoct delicious visuals!
I'm as comfortable in creation as in execution, my skills combine print, web, illustration but also animation and social networks.
🎨 I'm a fan of maximalist decoration, my office is overflowing with all kinds of objects but my files are designed to ensure an efficient collaboration with all the project contributors. Facilitating the work of my colleagues is part of my mission!
👀 My sense of detail does not stop at the visual: my eyes are trained to spot typos.
This is how I saved a salmon recipe from ending up in the vegetarian category!
👋 Used to work with short deadlines for a long time, keyboard shortcuts are my best friends. My hands type about 87 words per minute with 95.8% accuracy.
🌱 I think about my creations as a whole: if the medium is intended to be consumed quickly (like a flyer), I'll suggest a less inked, more minimalist visual to save resources and make it easier to recycle. If you're looking for a more durable medium (a book, for example), choosing a thicker paper willincrease its durability.
🐾 I don't use generative artificial intelligence. Whether ecologically or ethically, I'm not in sync with this technology. I'm not interested in assisted creation: I prefer to use less resource-intensive tools to optimize repetitive and time-consuming tasks, and therefore free up more time for creation.
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